Welcome to ICSTCC 2023
(Joint Conference of SINTES 27, SACCS 23, SIMSIS 27, CONTI 16)
October 11-13, 2023, Timisoara, Romania
Photos from the conference can be downloaded here.
ICSTCC 2023 is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society and is included in the list of technically co-sponsored conferences:
Important Deadlines
April 19, 2023: Submission of proposals for invited sessions
May 20, 2023: Submission of papers
Early July, 2023: Notification of acceptance
July 26, 2023: Final camera ready manuscript and registration payment for at least one of the authors
October 11-13, 2023: Conference
In order to send your contribution (a regular paper or a paper dedicated to an invited session), go to http://controls.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl and select the link Submit a contribution to ICSTCC 2023.
We are pleased to announce that the Proceedings of ICSTCC 2022 are indexed in both IEEE Xplore, since 04.11.2022, and Clarivate Analytics Web of Science – ISI Proceedings, since 13.12.2022.
The 27th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2023) aims at bringing together under a unique forum, scientists from academia and industry to discuss the state of the art and the new trends in system theory, control and computer engineering, and to present recent research results and prospects for development in this rapidly evolving area.
This conference edition joins four previous different conferences and symposia:
- SINTES (International Conference on System Theory and Control) – organized by the Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics from University of Craiova;
- SACCS (International Symposium on Automatic Control and Computer Science) – organized by the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering from “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi;
- SIMSIS (International Symposium on Modelling, Simulation and Identification Systems) – organized by the Faculty of Control Systems, Computers, Electrical and Electronics Engineering from “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati;
- CONTI (International Conference on Technical Informatics) – organized by the Faculty of Automation and Computers, the Department of Automation and Applied Informatics and the Department of Computers and Information Technology from Politehnica University of Timisoara.
As well as the previous editions, ICSTCC 2023 will be technically co-sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society and the Proceedings will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
ICSTCC 2023 will feature several kinds of presentations, including invited talks, contributed papers, posters and special sessions. The outcome of ICSTCC 2023 can be a better understanding of some leading research areas, as already System Theory, Control and Computing have demonstrated.
ICSTCC 2023 welcomes papers on (but not limited to) the following topics:
Automation and Robotics
Computer Science and Engineering
Electronics and Instrumentation